I came up with the idea to create a mandala shader after I made some mandalas from images using photoshop. it is a very simple technique, where I duplicate a layer with the original image, rotate the layer and apply the lighten blend mode to it. by creating multiple layers, you get a mandala.
I figured I could turn this into a shader.
The shader does the same, it first loads the base image into a variable, then rotates the UV coordinates by a given angle and applies the rotated base image to a new variable that represents the finished image.
the shader then outputs the new combined image. You can find the UV rotation code below.
float2x2 Rotation(float angle) {
float c = cos(angle);
float s = sin(angle);
return float2x2(c, -s, s, c);
float2 ModifyUV(float2 InputUVs, float InputAngle, float4 ST) {
float2 pivot = float2(0.5 * ST.x - ST.z, 0.5 * ST.y - ST.w);
float2 UVs = (InputUVs * ST.xy) - pivot;
float2 rotPos = mul(UVs, Rotation(InputAngle));
rotPos += pivot;
rotPos += ST.zw;
return rotPos;